How TraceMail Works
Welcome to TraceMail! Our platform makes email and document tracking simple and effective. These quick videos will guide you through our key features, like real-time notifications when your emails are opened and AI tools that help you write better emails. Whether you're managing campaigns, following up on sales, or just staying on top of your inbox, TraceMail has the tools you need to stay in control. Watch the videos and get started quickly with our easy-to-use features.
Chrome extension
Currently, TraceMails' Extension supports Gmail exclusively. This integration allows us to offer seamless tracking and notifications directly within your Gmail interface. We’re working hard to expand our support to other email platforms, so stay tuned for future updates.
Watch a quick video to see how TraceMail's Chrome extension works. Ready to get started? You can install the extension from:
Available in the
Chrome Web Store
Take a moment to watch this quick video to explore how TraceMail's dashboard works. Ready to dive in? Access the dashboard:
TraceMail Dashboard